江崎 貴裕 特任講師(東京大学:計画A01)
東京大学先端科学技術研究センター寄付研究部門先端物流科学の江崎貴裕特任講師、井村直人特任研究員、西成活裕教授らによる研究グループは、 物流などの輸配送ネットワークが複数組み合わされた時の相乗効果が生じる条件について分析しました。 一つのネットワークから相違度の異なる二つのネットワークを作成し、それらを重ねることでネットワークごとの潜在的な相乗効果の生まれやすさを定量化する手法(図1)を開発し、 それにより特に「コア・周辺構造(注1)」を有するネットワークでは相乗効果が生まれにくいことを明らかにしました。 また、そのようなネットワークでも異なるコア構造をもつネットワーク同士で統合を行うと一定の相乗効果が見込めることもわかりました。 本研究成果は、今後物流ネットワークに限らずさまざまな輸送ネットワーク同士の連携を考える際の基準として役立つことが期待されます。
The transportation of information, goods, people, and other entities inevitably experiences fluctuations in demand and supply, which results in the underutilization of certain links within a transportation network while other links are fully utilized and unable to accommodate any additional demand. A promising strategy for leveraging these links is the collaborative integration of fragmented transportation networks to facilitate access between isolated nodes. We present a novel analytical framework for examining the conditions under which such network integration would enhance the overall transportation efficiency. We conducted comprehensive numerical experiments to investigate the influence of the network structure on the synergistic effects of network integration with a focus on the link survival ratio and dissimilarity between networks. The results showed that networks comprising nodes with relatively uniform importance benefit significantly from network integration whereas core–periphery networks are less likely to benefit. Based on our findings, we propose an indicator for predicting the potential for synergistic effects that is related to the growth rate of the giant component. This study contributes understanding of transportation network dynamics and offers practical insights for optimizing network integration strategies to leverage underutilized capacities and improve various types of transportation systems.
Takahiro Ezaki*, Naoto Imura, and Katsuhiro Nishinari,PLOS Complex Syst.1,e0000017_1-15 (2024). "Synergistic integration of fragmented transportation networks: When do networks (not) synergize?"
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcsy.0000017